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  • Service

    > Your needs-is the pursuit of Juxin;

    > Your satisfaction is the goal of Juxin;

    > Your development-that is Juxin's expectations;

    > Your feedback-that is Juxin's encouragement;

    The company has established company offices in Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Beijing and other places, and will be extended to major regions and large and medium-sized cities in the country, and gradually establish a three-dimensional marketing service network covering the whole country. The company's sales network covers the entire East China region and spreads across Sichuan, Fujian, Hainan, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shenyang, Harbin, Xi'an, Urumqi and other cities and regions across the country, and is also exported to the United States, Canada, Europe (Italy), South America (Chile, Dominica), Middle East (UAE, Saudi Arabia), Southeast Asia (South Korea, Japan, Vietnam), Hong Kong and other countries and regions.

    Service Hotline  4008288789
    Service Hotline 4008288789 Service Hotline 4008288789
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